Thursday, 5 October 2017


This is the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of traveling the world and discovering treasure, and is courageous enough to walk in the direction of his desires. In order to realize the best that his destiny has to offer, he travels from his home in Spain, through the markets of tangiers, and into the great  Egyptian desert. He gets experience love, loses and makes money, learn a different language, meet different people, find himself in pleasant and not-so - pleasant situations. His journey is full of adventure and lessons, while he also find the privilege of meeting a king, a desert woman and an alchemist, each adding to his life new turns and perception                                                     
                   The book emphasis the value of spirituality, faith, hope and love through symbolic narration of a fascinating story of an ordinary boy with extraordinary beliefs. The book says that "To realize once destiny is a person 's only real obligation". It not just "says", it makes you believe.                           

                  On the way to the pyramids, he meets an English man in search of an alchemist living at the Al-Fayoum Oasis. At the oasis, Santiago receives an omen of an impending attack. After Santiago defends the oasis, the alchemist agrees to take him to the treasure. At last, Santiago reaches the pyramids. A group of men happens upon him and beats him savagely when they  find no treasure. One of the men tells Santiago about a dream he had about a ruined church in Spain. Santiago realizes the treasure has been buried there all along. He returns home to find the treasure buried in the church where he used to sleep.                                 

                       There are a lot of things about life that you learn in this book. One of the most important things is to find your ambition. For all of us, there is a treasure hidden somewhere. All we have got to do is to use our instincts and find it. Times can be hard on but we can't accept that as our fate. We need to step up and continue searching for fighting for the truth. Every person that's born here has got something special. It may take a while but it has to come out and people will see his potential someday. The things that the boy learns on his journey is the treasure that was meant to him. He never sought an ambition. He thought that riding his cattle in the grass is what's meant for him.                                                 

                      A dream makes him realize that he should stay here forever because there is a treasure out there for him. He needs to set out on a journey that will open up secrets he could never learn with cattle. Of course, there are omens that would show him the way. They could come in any form and he needs to recognize them. The greatest line from the book is meant for all of us "When you really want something, the universe conspires in your favor". So what do we need to do? We should never set back and let things happen to us. Never stop the search to find your ambition in life and always try to achieve it.

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