Sunday, 1 October 2017


Foot Soldier of the Constitution by Sabu P Joseph on Scribd




Norman Vincent Peale, often called the “minister-to-millions,” was senior minister at the historic Marble Collegiate Church in New York City for 52 years. Dr. Peale and his wife, Ruth Stafford Peale, founded Guideposts in 1945, an interfaith ministry dedicated to helping people from all walks of life achieve their personal and spiritual potential. Previously, in 1940, they founded Peale Center for Christian Living, which is dedicated to continuing Dr. Peale’s legacy of positive thinking and faith. In 1995, the two organizations merged and Peale Center is now the Outreach Division of Guideposts. Dr. Peale wrote 46 books, including the classic best-seller, The Power of Positive Thinking, which has demonstrated that a change in a person’s attitude will change his or her life.

                                                                                  The concept of positive thinking has permeated our culture. It is a philosophy of faith that does not ignore life’s problems, but rather explains a practical approach to life’s full potential. It is a system of creative living based on spiritual techniques, and its operation is demonstrated in the lives of thousands of people.

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. But with self-confidence you can succeed. A sense of inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but self-confidence leads to self-realization and achievement."

How we think we feel has a definite effect on how we actually feel physically. If your mind tells you that you are tired, the body mechanism, the nerves and the muscles accept the fact. If your mind is intensely interested, you can keep on at an activity indefinitely. Religion functions through our thoughts. In fact, it is a system of thought discipline. By supplying attitudes of faith to the mind it can increase energy. It helps you to accomplish prodigious activity by suggesting that you have ample support and resources of power. To avoid tiredness and to have energy, feel your way into the essential rhythm of Almighty God and all His works. To accomplish this, relax physically. Then conceive of your mind as likewise relaxing.

 “Dear God, You are the source of all energy. You are the source of the energy in the sun, in the atom, in all flesh, in the bloodstream, in the mind. I hereby draw energy from You as from an illimitable source.” Then practice believing that you receive energy

There is no difficulty you cannot overcome. An effective method for making your mind positive in character is to eliminate certain expressions of thought and speech, which we may call the “little negatives.” 
"A wise and philosophical man once said to me, when asked how he overcame his difficulties, “How do I get through a trouble? Well, first I try to go around it, and if I can’t go around it, I try to get under it, and if I can’t get under it, I try to go over it, and if I can’t get over it, I just plow right through it.” Then he added, “God and I plow right through it.”