Hi...welcome to the creative and literary platform of Bcom. Tax(Aided) students of 2016-19 of Sacred Heart College, Thevara. Here we share with the world our aspirations. dreams, musings, literary talents, book reviews..
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS-Bibitha Mariya Baby:5025
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : Robin Sharma - Agnus Vincent 5026
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny.The author is a leadership expert and he fills the book with a combination of mantras for success.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is about the story of a popular lawyer,Julian Mantle,who had a crazy schedule and setting life around money,power and prestige.He represents the current scenario of our society.The story is in the form of a narrative style,told from Mantle to one of his associates,John.But when Mantle has a heart attack,he drops out of his current living and disappears.He sells all his possessions and went for India to have some spiritual existence.Under the guidance of Sages of Sivana, who lives in Himalayas,he become a changed man - physically,mentally and spiritually.He got a changed body,mind and soul.Really,it's as if he's a completely different person.
When you read,you can see that Sharma comes down to a fairly formulative format - a list of seven principles - to create a life of passion,purpose and peace.The author explains these seven principles through mind capturing stories.These seven timeless virtues for an enlightened life is briefly discussed here :
1.Master your mind : Learn to focus your mind and consciously eliminate negative thoughts from mind.Accept mistakes as lessons and opportunities.
2.Follow your purpose : Discover and then realize the priorities that bring lasting fulfillment to your life.
3.Practice Kaizen : Focus on continuous self improvement and attain self mastery over mind.
4.Live with discipline : Recognise the relevance of willpower and self discipline and nurture it.
5.Respect your time : Focus on your priorities and maintain balance.Live each day like it's your last.
6.Selflessly serve others : Cultivate the quality of contribution,sacredness and kindness and thus building strong relationships.
7.Embrace the present : Live in the now.Never sacrifice happiness for the achievement,enjoy each moment.
These points are easy to absorb and can be applied in one's life.Action points at the end of each chapter summarize the important areas which you should be paying attention for.As the author recommends,if we incorporate these habits in our life,it's sure we can experience a great change.These habits can transform one's lives, helps to achieve his dreams,calm him and make him more happy.
In my view,the primary theme of this book is to guide us to live a full and flourishing life.Each of these virtues are discussed in detail in separate chapters.Most of them are inspiring and potentially very useful.
If you came to conclusion that happiness is the title in front of your name,then it's the time to reevaluate the definition you have given to life.The biggest lesson from the book is how the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
We live in a fast paced world where we all wear the busy badge.However,it's important to live like a child and observe and find happiness in every thing.Fill your world with an abundance of positive emotions and that's how will you fee daily.
The thought which touched my heart is that,"The only limits on your life are those that you set yourself". When you dare to get out of your coccon and explore the unknown you start to liberate your true human potential.When you push beyond your limits,you unlock mental and physical reserves that you never thought you have.
Likewise,there are so many mind exploiting and thought provoking ideas in this book.It's a fun and easy to read,plus it transmits a strong message for spiritual success.It is a guidebook to life.
Who Moved My Cheese? - Steny Antony 5028
"Who Moved My Cheese ? " by Dr Spencer Johnson is a self-help book on how to adapt to changes in work and life. People are afraid of changes. The book, with its four main characters, tries to represent four typical reactions of people to change.
The story revolves around Sniff and Scurry, two mice and Hem and Haw, two little men,who live in a maze. They search for cheese spending long hours on it. When they find cheese in a cheese station, they settle down and become arrogant. They establish their routine around the cheese supply. One day, both men and mice find out that their cheese has disappeared. Sniff and Scurry are the first to move on and they start searching around the maze. Soon, they reach cheese station N and find abundant supply of cheese.
Meanwhile, Hem and Hew are disappointed and angry. Hem asks 'Who moved my cheese ? '. They thought the cheese supply would be constant and when they were suddenly faced with no cheese they could not adapt. But soon Haw suggests to start searching for new cheese but Hem dismisses his suggestion and stay on. They soon start blaming each other for the lack of cheese and Haw once more suggests moving on. The truth is that Hem is afraid of the unknown corners of the maze. They remain without cheese. One day, Haw simply decides to move on and goes into the maze.
Still in fear Haw writes "What would you do if you weren't afraid? " and ponders over this. Even though he is afraid, he continues his track in search of cheese. On the way, he gets tiny bits of cheese which nourishes him and helps him to move on. After finding another empty station, Haw returns with bits of cheese to Hem, who refuses them.
One day, Haw finally reaches cheese station N, where he finds many kinds of cheese. Haw decides not to return to Hem, but let him find his own way.
In this story, Sniff and Scurry are more practical and they adapt to changes without resistance. They move on and take decisions quickly. But Haw and Hem are lazy and less enthusiastic in searching the cheese when days move on. Later, Haw regains the will to go with the changes and find new cheese.
" Who Moved My Cheese?" is a must-read book. It gives us a message which can be applied to our own life. What we could conclude from the book is that we must not waste time on just analyzing and pondering over any changes in our life but to take lead and act. People should cope up with the changes rather than resisting them.
Fault In our Stars- Alphil Maria Joseph 5005

The Painter Of Signs- R K Narayan (Aseel 5019)
"The Painter Of Signs" is a beautiful book by R K Narayan. R K Narayanan is one of the Indian writers who wrote beautiful short stories and novels potraying the Indian people. Most of his stories are based in an imaginary town Malgudi which is situated in South India. Narayan's short stories have been compared with those of Guy De Maupassant because of his ability to compress a narrative. Narayan highlights the social context and everyday life of his characters.
Raman,the painter of signs is a part of the Malgudi town, an imaginary place created by R K Narayan which portraits a typical South-Indian village. He lives with his conservative old aunt.
His life changes when Daisy set set afoot on the Malgudi for conducting birth control campagins in the villages. She enters into contract with Raman for creating sign boards for her office . Together they travel across Malgudi. Raman travels with Daisy for a 3 day campaign Around The villages for population control messages. Raman gets attracted by her beauty and eventually falls in love with her.
The story goes on to outline Daisy's complicated past and her eventual admission of a mutual attraction for Raman. The two start spending the nights together, and decide to get married in the "Gandharva" style, the simplest form of marital union. Daisy seems to be unaffected by the relationship though, and tells Raman that she will not change her last name, or house-keep for him
His aunt was not convinced by the fact that he decided to marry out of the cast ask them and arrange a one way trip to Banaras so that she could spend the rest of her life in there. On the day when Daisy was expected to move into his house in Ellaman Street , she changed her mind realising the that the marriage life would not suit her and it would put an her independent life. She decides to leave Malgudi for a three-year family planning initiative in villages all over India.
Like any other of the RK Narayan stories "the painter of signs" is also notable for its simple language. It is a bittersweet novel where at the endthe protagonist is left with nothing but solitude where his wife as well as his aunt leaves him. The story indirectly deals with the characters of women ,both traditional as well as modern and shows in simple terms the complexity of human relationships and about love and affection.
The Blue Umbrella - Reshma C Raj 5030
The story is about a simple village girl ,Binya who exchanges her lucky pendant for a blue umbrella which she sees with picknickers. She is from a poor family living with her mother and elder brother ,Bijju in a small hilly village. One day while hearing their cows back home she saw few city people enjoying their picnic. She was fascinated by their way of dressing but soon a blue umbrella catches her attention. On the other hand the city people get attracted by her beauty and the pendant consisting of leopards claw in her neck. Due to her at most desire she exchanges her pendant with the blue umbrella.
The blue umbrella is so beautiful that it soon became a topic of conversation among the villagers. They always feel to touch or hold it. Ram Bharosa who runs a small shop was so much envied by the umbrella that he decides to own it at any cost so he extends an offer to Binya which she immediately refused. He was disappointed by her refusal which made him appoint a loyal boy to steal the umbrella from Binya but the boy was caught by Bijju. When the boy reveals Ram Bharosa's name the villagers exclude him and stop purchasing from his shop. As a result Ram suffer loss.Binya feels sad about his condition and donates her umbrella to Ram. In return Ram gifts her pendant with a bear's claw which is considered even luckier than of leopards.
The story ends with the message that not everything you can get from desire. If you are truthful and always keeps a smile on your face everything will happen good and all problems will solve automatically.
The witch of Portobello-Thara Charly 5011
This beautiful book of George Stephen
SJ brings you heart warming stories from
the lives of simple, ordinary people. No one ever thought their lives could
make much of a difference. And yet these stories show how they have touched
other lives and made a great difference as they respond to people and
situations with a caring and loving heart. Fr George Stephen ,once a dedicated
professor of mathematics, he shifted to family ministry and retreat ministry. His
extensive experience in the ministry led to the publication of his first book.
Indeed these stories are a trove of simple acts of human kindness and compassion which will certainly infect you as you read on and make of you a more humane person. The heroes in this book have themselves been transformed through their act of kindness to others. In fact, as the author puts it, “these people have become part of the whole transformative process. By these simple acts of kindness, their belief in themselves, in their innate goodness ad in their own capacity has grown. In a word, by giving life they have become more alive and more human; by becoming more human, they have partaken blissfully in the cup of the divine. The people in the narratives of this present book are simple people who others thought would not make a difference by their lives. They are people which the author came across during his ministry life . They are ordinary people who went about doing ordinary things. But the manner in which they perceived people and things, the way they responded with caring and gentle heart, has made all the difference.
Ego-the worst enemy and friend provides new ideas and visions on managing the ego-our own and others.Ego crisis is the single biggest crisis we human beings have ever faced.There is hardly a family or a person who has remained unaffected by the ego -virus.Ego has scarred numerous relationships and marred many lives.It is the small leak that has sunk many a great ship.Ego management is thus most crucial subject for each one of us,yet this is the most neglected too.The unfortunate part is that most people do not know how to manage others.This book helps in understanding "EGO" and manage it effectively too and enhance your effectiveness in every relationship .It is equally beneficial for young and old,males and females,married and unmarried,parents and children and working and non-working persons.By learning the art of handling the ego,you climb the stairs of success smoothly,apart from leading an emotionally rich,exciting and fulfilling life.
The sole purpose of this book is to help you solve the biggest crisis you face - the ego-crisis - and enable you to lead an emotionally rich, exciting and fulfilling life.This book is a serious attempt to provide an answer to Ego problems.

Wise and otherwise (A Salute to life) is a book written by Sudha Murthy, wife of N.R. Narayana Murthy.She is a well known social worker, author and a humanitarian. She is also the chairperson of Infosys. Wise and otherwise is one of her famous works which consists of 51 short stories altogether giving intresting insights about the real India and which are her real life experiences, gathered while traveling across the country.Each story is of three to four pages and makes us introspect about things which come across our daily life and the way in which we see things.
One of the stories revolves around a man who leaves his father in an old age home. In this story the man introduces his own father as a destitute found on the roads, obtains a place in the Old Age Home, and forgets about him. He returns on the death of the old man whose bag he wants to claim and reveals only then that the old man is his father! The bag contains a passbook showing a balance of over a lakh of rupees. Such stories clearly portrays the present scenario and the reason why, old age homes are day by day increasing in our country. Another story is of a charlatan who barges into the office of Infosys Foundation, and mistakes Sudha for one of the lower level staff member. His aim is to palm off a few substandard books written by him for the libraries assisted by the Foundation. He claims to have known Sudha from childhood and gives a fictional account of how he helped her husband in his career. Imagine his face when he is told that he is talking to the lady herself! Such stories makes us rethink about people and their attitude. Most of the stories says about the real situations of people in different parts of our country like dowry deaths and forced prostitution, changes in personality with passage of time, nostalgic memories about childhood and simple pleasures of life, changing values and morals.
There are stories that just act as a witness to society, like the discussions between two marriage brokers regarding the impact of the IT sector’s growth has had on their business, a beggar who moves into an area distroyed by an earthquake to take advantage of the aid provided to victims. Most of the stories emphasizes the importance of Moral values and about people’s behavior in different circumstances. The anecdote portrays whole range of human emotions - compassion and greed, jealousy and celebration of others' success, human dignity as well as degradation, charity as well as exploitation.The most intresting fact about the book is that it talks about both good and bad. But one cannot fail to notice that there is more about good than bad as each story with a negative plot ends making us thing about the changes we need to adopt from such stories and creates a positive note to the reader.And one of the most important point which i have noticed about her stories is that whenever we read one, we feel as if we are surrounded by people whom we have already met at some point of our life. This helps us understand more about the real meaning which she tries to portray through her books.
The language is quite simple and easily understood by everyone. Rather than a literary masterpiece, give me a Sudha Murty book any day,i would be happy as it makes me think, it makes me introspect, and probably act! The language may be simple, but the message is effective. Sudha murthy is my all time favourite writer and an inspiration to be a good human rather than simply mugging up all what text books and the educational system provides our generation with.
Chanchal A. Nair
2nd Bcom Tax (A)
CONQUERING THE MIND - jewel maria albert (5007)
Conquering the mind (jewel maria albert
"The Miracle of Positive Thinking" is your prescription for what it takes to be healthy,happy, and terrific in today's world. Consider Dr. Arnold Fox's RX for healthier living through positive thinking as you read this book. Put the ideas into practice and when you finish the book you won't be the same person physically who began it! Be certain to follow the Doctor's orders daily. -Judith williamson, Director,Napoleon Hill World Learning center PRESCRIPTION FOR YOU RX: Wake up! You're Alive Dispense: One Book From: Arnold Fox, M.D. Date: Today sig: * Read Wake up! You're Alive all the way through. * Re-read the book, one chapter every day, over and over again. * Memorize the affirmations in each chapter. * Make them part of your daily routine. * when in trouble, read the chapter relating to your distress. * Do not substitute.
Malayalam Novel 'Aaraachaar' {Submitted by, Devika C S (5060) }

According to noted literary critic M. Leelavathy, Aarachaar is one of the best literary works produced in Malayalam and follows the legacy of O. V. Vijayan's classic work Khasakkinte Itihasam. The novel received the 2013 Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award. It was also awarded the prestigious Odakkuzhal Award in 2013 and Vayalar Award in 2014.