M.J. Ryan

- Milton Erickson,M.D
The author discovered her gratitude from exploding Turkey. She wanted to find what was sacred in her everyday life,to look with fresh eyes and see what might have been there all along that she had not been able to see. This book is a collection of more than 60 Short-describtions categorised mainly under 5 heads as follows;
1. The simple joy of living from a grateful Heart
' If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
if your happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with .
Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing
lacking,the whole world belongs to you. '
In this context author expresses her view on Happiness of Life
that her friend Annette gave her. She understood that Gratitude brings up Happiness in life. For her ,Gratitude is not just a key instead is a magical key by the use of which we can suddenly transform everything into beautiful wonders. Gratitude help us to track success .She found out the most wonderful thing about gratitude--- it makes yo feel full,bursting with delight, just to remember the gifts you have recieved. Thus we all are doubly blessed when we recieve something , for the gift itself , and later, in recall, for the miracle of having been given it.
2 . The gifts of Gratitude
' Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough,and
more. It turns denial into acceptance , chaos into order, confusion to clarity . . . .
Gratitude makes sense of our past , brings peace for today, and creates a. vision fortomorrow.'
This head provides information regarding the gifts that every person attains in his life by being gratitude. Being gratitude means to declare out loud to tge Universe that we are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through Joy. While being old through ages we should be able to open tonthe magic and beauty of life, thereby that gratitude keeps us Young throuhout our life. We experience the mental sunshine of gratitude only when we begin to glow with sunshine ourselves. Not only is the world brighter, but we are too.
More we experience a sense of gratitude, the more endorphins and the less adrenaline we pump into our systems, thus contributing to longer, healthier lives . Gratefulness also eliminates worry because it reminds us of the abundance of our universe. It help us to draw people to us as well as to keep people in our sphere. For her , gratitude is an inner light that we can use to illumine our souls. The more we are thankful, the more light we experience and the more we shine forth into the world. It helps us to accept the world as imperfect . Walk around where we live and really notice and give thanks for the objects in our life that give us joy . While we can be thankful for past blessings and hope for future ones , we experience gratitude.
The fact that true gratitude creates a sense of open-heartedness is the reason so much of the 'thanks' in this culture is rote and unfeeling .It' s allways a beautiful cycle . The more you feel grateful , the stronger is the impulse towards giving . Gratitude also gives birth to a fiercely loving environmentalism , a sensitivity born of the connection made explicit between us and everything else that creeps , crawls , sways and clings. Our spirits join with the Great Spirit in the dance of life. And finally, through gratitude , our souls , in Emily Dickinson's words " always stand ajar; ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. "
3. The attitudes of Gratitude
' The most powerful agent of growth
and transformation is something
much more basic than any technique:
a change of heart '
Gratitude helps us to appreciate the miracle of being alive, we will find the peace and the strength to face life's challenges as they come. This head provide us the confidence and courage to face hardship on the way of living our life.
It will helpat least in the meantime to enjoy ourselves a whole lot more and be more fun to be around.The more we allow what is true to be true , and less we should ourselves , the more space we create for the possibility of gratitude to quietly, softly enter our heart. Inside ourself or outside , we never have to change what we see, only the way we see it.Author says that being gratitude in life helps us to be allways at heart , caring others, loving, eradicate disability, to make us worthy, to find solutiond for problems in our life, to be joy in life and Help us to start from where we were...!
4. The practices of Gratitude
At this stage we are upto put our attitudes to action. We express our feelings of gratitude in variety of ways. Likewise gow we built up our muscles , we should built upour gratitudeness in life. We can achieve whatever we are looking for through bring grateful. Helps us to forgive others by self- involvement, being senaitive etc... Practice of gratefulness becomes a part of our life. By developing a great memory we could be healthier in every aspects of life. Also it will help us to focus on right things in life. Being thankful to our body will help to retain the mental health too. Honouring, sending thanks giving cards , greeting thank you, being fall in love towards something allways , appreciating others , being everyday last. This is what makes us grateful to the beat extend in our life.
5.Conclude: The deeping journey
At every moment of gratitude, our soul's capacity deepens.First, we experience contentment , then we experience meaning, and at last we dwell in pure JOY.By being gratefulneaa in life for then it will be truely possible to give and recievw joy everyday of our life...!!
M.j Ryan teches us how to unloack the fullness of our hearts and lives 1 the expression of gratitude.It helps us to return to our natural state of joyfulness.It makes us feel complete, that we have everything we need, at least in this moment..!!!!!
M.J. Ryan

" Life will bring you pain all by itself.
Your responsibility is to create joy."- Milton Erickson,M.D
The author discovered her gratitude from exploding Turkey. She wanted to find what was sacred in her everyday life,to look with fresh eyes and see what might have been there all along that she had not been able to see. This book is a collection of more than 60 Short-describtions categorised mainly under 5 heads as follows;
1. The simple joy of living from a grateful Heart
' If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
if your happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with .
Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing
lacking,the whole world belongs to you. '
In this context author expresses her view on Happiness of Life
that her friend Annette gave her. She understood that Gratitude brings up Happiness in life. For her ,Gratitude is not just a key instead is a magical key by the use of which we can suddenly transform everything into beautiful wonders. Gratitude help us to track success .She found out the most wonderful thing about gratitude--- it makes yo feel full,bursting with delight, just to remember the gifts you have recieved. Thus we all are doubly blessed when we recieve something , for the gift itself , and later, in recall, for the miracle of having been given it.
2 . The gifts of Gratitude
' Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough,and
more. It turns denial into acceptance , chaos into order, confusion to clarity . . . .
Gratitude makes sense of our past , brings peace for today, and creates a. vision fortomorrow.'
This head provides information regarding the gifts that every person attains in his life by being gratitude. Being gratitude means to declare out loud to tge Universe that we are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through Joy. While being old through ages we should be able to open tonthe magic and beauty of life, thereby that gratitude keeps us Young throuhout our life. We experience the mental sunshine of gratitude only when we begin to glow with sunshine ourselves. Not only is the world brighter, but we are too.
More we experience a sense of gratitude, the more endorphins and the less adrenaline we pump into our systems, thus contributing to longer, healthier lives . Gratefulness also eliminates worry because it reminds us of the abundance of our universe. It help us to draw people to us as well as to keep people in our sphere. For her , gratitude is an inner light that we can use to illumine our souls. The more we are thankful, the more light we experience and the more we shine forth into the world. It helps us to accept the world as imperfect . Walk around where we live and really notice and give thanks for the objects in our life that give us joy . While we can be thankful for past blessings and hope for future ones , we experience gratitude.
The fact that true gratitude creates a sense of open-heartedness is the reason so much of the 'thanks' in this culture is rote and unfeeling .It' s allways a beautiful cycle . The more you feel grateful , the stronger is the impulse towards giving . Gratitude also gives birth to a fiercely loving environmentalism , a sensitivity born of the connection made explicit between us and everything else that creeps , crawls , sways and clings. Our spirits join with the Great Spirit in the dance of life. And finally, through gratitude , our souls , in Emily Dickinson's words " always stand ajar; ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. "
3. The attitudes of Gratitude
' The most powerful agent of growth
and transformation is something
much more basic than any technique:
a change of heart '
Gratitude helps us to appreciate the miracle of being alive, we will find the peace and the strength to face life's challenges as they come. This head provide us the confidence and courage to face hardship on the way of living our life.
It will helpat least in the meantime to enjoy ourselves a whole lot more and be more fun to be around.The more we allow what is true to be true , and less we should ourselves , the more space we create for the possibility of gratitude to quietly, softly enter our heart. Inside ourself or outside , we never have to change what we see, only the way we see it.Author says that being gratitude in life helps us to be allways at heart , caring others, loving, eradicate disability, to make us worthy, to find solutiond for problems in our life, to be joy in life and Help us to start from where we were...!
4. The practices of Gratitude
' Begining to tune into even the minutest
feelings of...gratitude softens us...
If we begin to acknowledge these moment
and cherish them...then no matter how
fleeting and tiny this good heart may
seem, it will gradually ,at its own speed, expand. '
5.Conclude: The deeping journey
At every moment of gratitude, our soul's capacity deepens.First, we experience contentment , then we experience meaning, and at last we dwell in pure JOY.By being gratefulneaa in life for then it will be truely possible to give and recievw joy everyday of our life...!!
M.j Ryan teches us how to unloack the fullness of our hearts and lives 1 the expression of gratitude.It helps us to return to our natural state of joyfulness.It makes us feel complete, that we have everything we need, at least in this moment..!!!!!
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