Saturday, 24 February 2018

India of my dreams -Akshay K A 5001

                  My Dreams About India

                                                        Akshay K A

               I have a dream that one day our India will emerge as the best economy in the world overtaking USA and China.The GDP and GNP will increase to the highest ever and the standard of living of the people will be improved.We will achieve better position in per capita income,life expectancy of individuals.
                I have a dream that one day every people in each and every corner of the country without being seggregated and discriminated by caste,colour,religion,language and so on.The hindu,christion andmuslims shall join their hands together and there will be no more riots between them.
                      I have a dream thatvone day every women can mobile at any time,at any part of India without thefear of being raped or attacked.
I have adream that one day in every north state of India where once the farmer suicides were spreading like a desease, will be completly made free from such a disaster.
                       I have a drem that one day in every part of India whivh is subject to many natural disasters like flood,drought,earth quake or tsunami due to its geogrphical location ,will be protected by establishing proper disaster management facilities and all the victims offormer disasters will be rehabilitated well.
I have a dream that one day poverty will be vanished from India and all the childrens of the nation will be provided with free and compulsory education and the gap between rich and poor will be narrowed to the minimum level possible.
I have a dream thatvone day India will be ruled by a corruptless government which will take care of the problens of each and every individual without misusing their authority for personal benefits.
               I have a dream that one day rain of prosperity and peace will shower over the whole of India and all the Indian will enjoy it together.