'12 Pathways to Think Better About Yourself ' is a feeling better work y Dr. Dov Perez Elkins. He is an international authority on self concept development. He does workshops , lectures, consulting for school system, teacher's association, social workers, mental health centres, college campuses, corporation, occupational development centres and a wide variety of other groups on sepf esteem building, fostering creativity and imagnation and other human relations themes. He has authered 15 books on psychology, education and religion. '12 Pathways to Think Better About Yourself ' is a passive thought building book which helps to boost your self confidence. The first way to think better is to know your self.You must know who you are. Are you son /husband / father, student ,neighbour or friend? How do you react to adversities? How do you treat others? What do you dislike and what kind of life you need? Self knowledge is an important starting point. Listening to what others say to you about yourself is one way to increase self knowledge. However many people are not open to hear about themselves from others. If you can be receptive to another person's views about you , you can learn and grow more easily and quickly.There are many payhs to self knowledge. Today the human potential movement offers new and exciting routes to increase self awareness. These include encounter groups, rap groups, awareness games etc.. The second way to respect your self -we all have strength and weakness. Good parts and not so good parts. Nohuma is perfect. It is extremely important to know that you are a good person. A worthwhile person. You respect other people. Often you think morr highly of them than your self. Everyone always thinks he is better than me. There is no such high and low. Some people can do certain things better than others. There are not better than you- merely different from you. Respect your self.Tell your self again in the mirror how much you respect your self as a unique creature of god. The next way is to love yourself.When you were young you were probably taught that loving your self is bad.In our culture it is thought that self love makes us selfish and intensive to others.And that if we squander love on our selves, we will not have any left for others. But the modern psychology discovered that the opposite is true.self loving is the beginning, for learning to love others. The idea is that those who love themselves fully will have more ve to give others. Then affirm your self.Building self esteem is like building arelationship. Think of your self esteem as your relationship with your self. Think of your self as a shadow that can step outside yourself and look at yourself. Your shadow or "objective" self has a relationship with your inner self. one of the important wats to improve your relationship with yourself is to affirm yourself. Instead of hitting yourself for what you are not or have not done, give yourself strokes for what you are, and what you have done.Another path to think better of yourself is to trust yourself. Like the other steps in building your self esteem learning to trust yourself and your organism is a life long process. If you are like others most of the time you will rely more on your environment - other people, popular ideas in society , things that are published in one media- than your own judgement. Think of recent decisions you made, whether they were based on your judgement or not. Trusting yourself implies knowing that you have the inner resources to be your own teacher, your own guide, your own decision maker.All the above five steps spoke of your good qualities. Your uniqueness. But you may also have some bad impressions about you in your mind. You may think yourself as a bore, as a fool and a good for nothing fellow. Most people are their own worst critics. It is very important that you stop being harsh with yourself. So to avoid bad impressions about you , you should accept yourself as you are, the more you will be able to grow and change. since in the first six ways are for your mind and heart. They deal with ways of thinking and feeling. The next six pathways are things to do. Actions to take. Behaviours to be followed. The first of these pathways is to show yourself. It means let people know who you really are. You should be transperant, meaning avoiding masks, false fronts etc... You should show and open your heart to others. Be open to others. Don't hide the problems inside you. Yhe next way to stretch yourself. When you were little by the age of 6 or 7, you had developed a mental picture of yourself which is called self image and your self image is not easy to change. It is fairly firm and fixed. But it can be changed, day by day, year by year. Your mental pictute of who you are can be expanded, entargened and polished. This is what is meant by stretching yourself. You should come out of your comfort zone. Then you should nourish yourself.You should take care yourself. You should always do what your mind loves to do. Always think of something that will give you pleasure, that will keep you relaxed. If you nourish yourself it will increase your confidence and it may make you think better of yourself. The 10th advice of the auther is to be yourself. From your child hood you may be leading a life to satisfy someone. Your parents want to make you doctor, teachers want you to score high marks, society wants you to lead a luxury life, government wants you to be an obedient citizen. Each time you are forced to do someone's desires. It should be avoided you should develop your own way, your own aims and your own desires. Not work for others, work for your self.The second last way to think better about is to share yourself. It means that never close your mind before others. You should share all your thoughts and feelings to others. Sometimes most people may not disclose their sadness and sorrows to others. When you share your entire mind before others it helps you to feel happy in mind. The last means to make you think better is to transcend yourself. When you share in yhe deepest way, you go beyond yourself. You should be open to all and should not hide anything. So transcending yourself help you to think better in mind. So in short thr work "12 pathways to feeling better about yourself " is a good means to fill your mind with positivity. The book is not only for reading but also to bring its suggetions to our dailly life inorder to make our life brighter.
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