Hi...welcome to the creative and literary platform of Bcom. Tax(Aided) students of 2016-19 of Sacred Heart College, Thevara. Here we share with the world our aspirations. dreams, musings, literary talents, book reviews..
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Friday, 13 October 2017
Abhijith Chandran (5053)
This book gave me the key to release all things negative. Enjoyed this book a lot. It hit some things for me that i needed to hear. They struck a chord with me anyway.
You Can Heal Your Life is the message of a person who has crawled out of victimhood, and this aspect of it has had enormous appeal, particularly to women with similar histories. The essence of Hay's teaching is love of the self and evaporation of guilt, a process that Hay believes not only makes us mentally free but physically healthy, as the study of psycho-immunology attests. Affirmations are vital in becoming the person we wish to be, and the book contains many to choose from. All the familiar self-help messages are given attention, including breaking free of limiting thoughts, replacing fear with faith, forgiveness, and understanding that thoughts really do create experiences. This book will not be for everyone. It is quite New Agey, fitting into the 'journey to wholeness' mould of writing that is now so common, but remember that Hay was a pioneer of it. For those who have read a number of self-development books, it may seem a bit simplistic and contain nothing new - it is certainly no intellectual undertaking to read it. On the other hand, it has a directness and enthusiasm that makes it stay in the mind, and intuitively makes sense. In the true spirit of self-help, the book is not content to fix problems but to strip all authority from them. This outlook, which on first consideration seems naive, is in fact philosophically rigorous: dwell on your problems, and they become insurmountable; consider your possibilities, and they provide hope and motivation. Millions have had similarly difficult lives as Hay's, but not everyone has the will to leave their problems behind or even the knowledge that they can; deprivation forms the illusion that 'this is all there is'. Hay's insistence to herself that pain and setbacks would not define her, led her out of multiple psychological black holes. Her book has the credibility of the successful escapee. This book will change your life. This book more helpful a common sense guide to loving yourself... I am so thankful that Louise hay brought it into the world.” NICE BOOK”
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
P.S. I Love You .... Joanna Elvis 5048
P.S. I Love You
by Cecelia Ahern
Book review by Joanna Elvis 5048
Cecelia Ahern, the 22-year-old daughter of Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, writes with insight beyond her years in her debut novel, P.S. I Love You. Cecelia Ahern was born and brought up in Dublin. She is now published in nearly fifty countries, and has sold over twenty-five million copies of her novels worldwide. Two of her books have been adapted as films and she has created several TV series.
Holly Kennedy, 29, has just become a widow when the novel opens, her husband Gerry her best friend, lover and soul mate having succumbed to a brain tumor. Holly slogs through aimless days and nights with only memories to keep her afloat until her mother reminds her of an envelope she received in the mail just before Gerry's death. The notes inside are labeled with the remaining months of the year, March to December, and each one contains a tip, written by Gerry as he was dying, to help Holly get on with her life. The first instructs her to go shopping for a new outfit, which gets her out of her dirty jeans and Gerry's T-shirts; July's note sends her on a vacation to Spain for a week with her two best friends, September pushes her to get out and look for her "best job ever," and December, the last note, encourages Holly not to be afraid to fall in love again.
Gradually, Holly emerges from her depression. Armed with a new job in charge of advertising for a trendy magazine, she is constantly busy with her long-time friends, who serve as the vehicles for Ahern's comic side. They drag Holly along to "hen parties," shopping trips and balls against her wishes. Side plots focus on Holly's family, who include her doting parents, a stodgy older brother who emerges as one of her staunchest supporters, and her younger sister, pink-haired and flaky, who can always make Holly laugh.
Saturday, 7 October 2017
GREAT EXPECTATIONS-charles dickens [ATHUL V.S-5050]
ATHUL V.S-5050
Pip, a young orphan living with his sister and her husband in the marshes of Kent, sits in a cemetery one evening looking at his parents’ tombstones. Suddenly, an escaped convict springs up from behind a tombstone, grabs Pip, and orders him to bring him food and a file for his leg irons. Pip obeys, but the fearsome convict is soon captured anyway. The convict protects Pip by claiming to have stolen the items himself.
One day Pip is taken by his Uncle Pumblechook to play at Satis House, the home of the wealthy dowager Miss Havisham, who is extremely eccentric: she wears an old wedding dress everywhere she goes and keeps all the clocks in her house stopped at the same time. During his visit, he meets a beautiful young girl named Estella, who treats him coldly and contemptuously. Nevertheless, he falls in love with her and dreams of becoming a wealthy gentleman so that he might be worthy of her. He even hopes that Miss Havisham intends to make him a gentleman and marry him to Estella, but his hopes are dashed when, after months of regular visits to Satis House, Miss Havisham decides to help him become a common laborer in his family’s business.
With Miss Havisham’s guidance, Pip is apprenticed to his brother-in-law, Joe, who is the village blacksmith. Pip works in the forge unhappily, struggling to better his education with the help of the plain, kind Biddy and encountering Joe’s malicious day laborer, Orlick. One night, after an altercation with Orlick, Pip’s sister, known as Mrs. Joe, is viciously attacked and becomes a mute invalid. From her signals, Pip suspects that Orlick was responsible for the attack.
One day a lawyer named Jaggers appears with strange news: a secret benefactor has given Pip a large fortune, and Pip must come to London immediately to begin his education as a gentleman. Pip happily assumes that his previous hopes have come true—that Miss Havisham is his secret benefactor and that the old woman intends for him to marry Estella.
In London, Pip befriends a young gentleman named Herbert Pocket and Jaggers’s law clerk, Wemmick. He expresses disdain for his former friends and loved ones, especially Joe, but he continues to pine after Estella. He furthers his education by studying with the tutor Matthew Pocket, Herbert’s father. Herbert himself helps Pip learn how to act like a gentleman. When Pip turns twenty-one and begins to receive an income from his fortune, he will secretly help Herbert buy his way into the business he has chosen for himself. But for now, Herbert and Pip lead a fairly undisciplined life in London, enjoying themselves and running up debts. Orlick reappears in Pip’s life, employed as Miss Havisham’s porter, but is promptly fired by Jaggers after Pip reveals Orlick’s unsavory past. Mrs. Joe dies, and Pip goes home for the funeral, feeling tremendous grief and remorse. Several years go by, until one night a familiar figure barges into Pip’s room—the convict, Magwitch, who stuns Pip by announcing that he, not Miss Havisham, is the source of Pip’s fortune. He tells Pip that he was so moved by Pip’s boyhood kindness that he dedicated his life to making Pip a gentleman, and he made a fortune in Australia for that very purpose.
Pip is appalled, but he feels morally bound to help Magwitch escape London, as the convict is pursued both by the police and by Compeyson, his former partner in crime. A complicated mystery begins to fall into place when Pip discovers that Compeyson was the man who abandoned Miss Havisham at the altar and that Estella is Magwitch’s daughter. Miss Havisham has raised her to break men’s hearts, as revenge for the pain her own broken heart caused her. Pip was merely a boy for the young Estella to practice on; Miss Havisham delighted in Estella’s ability to toy with his affections.
As the weeks pass, Pip sees the good in Magwitch and begins to care for him deeply. Before Magwitch’s escape attempt, Estella marries an upper-class lout named Bentley Drummle. Pip makes a visit to Satis House, where Miss Havisham begs his forgiveness for the way she has treated him in the past, and he forgives her. Later that day, when she bends over the fireplace, her clothing catches fire and she goes up in flames. She survives but becomes an invalid. In her final days, she will continue to repent for her misdeeds and to plead for Pip’s forgiveness.
The time comes for Pip and his friends to spirit Magwitch away from London. Just before the escape attempt, Pip is called to a shadowy meeting in the marshes, where he encounters the vengeful, evil Orlick. Orlick is on the verge of killing Pip when Herbert arrives with a group of friends and saves Pip’s life. Pip and Herbert hurry back to effect Magwitch’s escape. They try to sneak Magwitch down the river on a rowboat, but they are discovered by the police, who Compeyson tipped off. Magwitch and Compeyson fight in the river, and Compeyson is drowned. Magwitch is sentenced to death, and Pip loses his fortune. Magwitch feels that his sentence is God’s forgiveness and dies at peace. Pip falls ill; Joe comes to London to care for him, and they are reconciled. Joe gives him the news from home: Orlick, after robbing Pumblechook, is now in jail; Miss Havisham has died and left most of her fortune to the Pockets; Biddy has taught Joe how to read and write. After Joe leaves, Pip decides to rush home after him and marry Biddy, but when he arrives there he discovers that she and Joe have already married.
Friday, 6 October 2017
God leadership skills can add a positive dimensions to a person's life. These skills can help us to generate productivity at workplace and happiness in society .
7 steps to become a leader takes you step by step into the intricacies of becoming an effective and competent leader. The essentials of leadership explained in this book will help you to awaken and develop your inner powers and abilities,making you sensitive to changes.
Within each individual there is a leader waiting to be developed. Yet there has always been a great shortage of good leaders in every sphere of life.
Everyone aspires to be a leader ,but only few know how it can be achieved.
It takes courage to come out of one's comfort zone.it also requires courage to take initiative,and do things that others do not dare to.it is not sufficient to take a fresh and courageous approach towards situations and people.it is equally important to see a purpose in the new initiative.
"The power of words is immense.A well chosen word has often sufficed to stop a flying army,to change defeat into victory,and to save an empire.
-- Emile de Girardin
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Stefeena Elizabeth
One Crazy Summer 😎
-by Rita Williams
BOOK REVIEW- "ANGER AND FRIENDSHIP" Aiswarya Anilkumar(5036)
This isa short message about how anger can defeat friendship.No one loves the man whom he fears.HENCE WE CAN SY THAT FRIENDSHIP CAN ONLY THRIVE IN THE SOIL THAT IS TOTALLY FREE FROM ANGER.So friendship and anger is just like crop and weeds.For the crops to yield the weeds should be separated and burnt.Friendship cannot survive where there is anger.We all have a desire to make good friendship bt to bring that into reality anger is ahindrance.If a person doesn't have the capability to control his anger then he cannot make lasting friendship.Hence the great challenge in front of us is to streangthen our fiendship by controling all our temper,conflicts and misunderstanding.Love, trust,kindness,mercy,compassion,forgiveness and understanding are ery much important for a stable friendship.IF ALL THOSE QUALITIES ARE PRESENT IN US WE CAN VERY CONFIDENTLY SAY THAT WE HAVE ADEQUATELY OCCUPPIED OURSELVES WITH PROPER CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SKILL.THE GREATEST PART IS THAT IF WE MAKE A FRIEND WHO HAVE VIOLENT TEMPER WE MIGHT LEARN THER HABIT AND NOT BE ABE TO CHANGE.Hence while choosing friends our first concern should be to make sure that they are not too hot-tempered.We should bear in mind the often repeated saying,"TELL ME YOUR FRIENDS.I WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE."
So don't mix up anger with friendship.A good friend is a connection to the life in the past,a road towars the future,and a key to sanity in a totally insane world.Do try to control your temper to make good friends.ANGER DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING,IT BUILDS NOTHING,BUT IT CAN DESTROY EVERYTHING.So its better to cry when you are angry,because anger hurts others while tears will flow silently to the soul and cleans the heart.
Keys to life’s thrills, written by S. Devaraj, helps provide as many
exit points as possible so that, through self introspection on 15 specific
areas of our life, the worst within us leaves us speedily, thus allowing the
best within us to bloom and shine bright, spreading rich fragrance all around.
Human nature is a mixture of good and evil. As such we have within us
the capacity to do good as well as the tendency to be bad-an ongoing battle between
the animal and the angel within us. And so, there are moments when we allow the
hatred and selfishness within us to get the better of us. Our discipline, and
character and personality depend upon the level of success in our day-to-day fight
against the animal that prompts us to indulge in things evil. When the level is
very high, we become great like Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther
King Jr. But when the level drops very low, we become intolerable and
undesirable people, fit to be condemned and isolated by the society in which we
live. There is no gain saying the fact that, imperfect though we all are, we
differ from one another only in the level of our efforts to develop the virtues
of respectability and reliability, thus becoming increasingly loving in our
day-to-day life and thus more acceptable. He have chosen “pride and arrogance”
to be among the fifteen important areas to be attended to for our overall
growth. If we defeat the feelings of pride and arrogance, we’ll certainly be in
a position to remove everything that is imperfect within us.
This book will assist you in the self cleansing required and you’ll
certainly be able to discover the pretty you that is waiting to be brought out!
This is the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of traveling the world and discovering treasure, and is courageous enough to walk in the direction of his desires. In order to realize the best that his destiny has to offer, he travels from his home in Spain, through the markets of tangiers, and into the great Egyptian desert. He gets experience love, loses and makes money, learn a different language, meet different people, find himself in pleasant and not-so - pleasant situations. His journey is full of adventure and lessons, while he also find the privilege of meeting a king, a desert woman and an alchemist, each adding to his life new turns and perception
The book emphasis the value of spirituality, faith, hope and love through symbolic narration of a fascinating story of an ordinary boy with extraordinary beliefs. The book says that "To realize once destiny is a person 's only real obligation". It not just "says", it makes you believe.
On the way to the pyramids, he meets an English man in search of an alchemist living at the Al-Fayoum Oasis. At the oasis, Santiago receives an omen of an impending attack. After Santiago defends the oasis, the alchemist agrees to take him to the treasure. At last, Santiago reaches the pyramids. A group of men happens upon him and beats him savagely when they find no treasure. One of the men tells Santiago about a dream he had about a ruined church in Spain. Santiago realizes the treasure has been buried there all along. He returns home to find the treasure buried in the church where he used to sleep.
There are a lot of things about life that you learn in this book. One of the most important things is to find your ambition. For all of us, there is a treasure hidden somewhere. All we have got to do is to use our instincts and find it. Times can be hard on but we can't accept that as our fate. We need to step up and continue searching for fighting for the truth. Every person that's born here has got something special. It may take a while but it has to come out and people will see his potential someday. The things that the boy learns on his journey is the treasure that was meant to him. He never sought an ambition. He thought that riding his cattle in the grass is what's meant for him.
A dream makes him realize that he should stay here forever because there is a treasure out there for him. He needs to set out on a journey that will open up secrets he could never learn with cattle. Of course, there are omens that would show him the way. They could come in any form and he needs to recognize them. The greatest line from the book is meant for all of us "When you really want something, the universe conspires in your favor". So what do we need to do? We should never set back and let things happen to us. Never stop the search to find your ambition in life and always try to achieve it.
Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disabilities to live an independent, rich and fulfilling life while serving as a role model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, Nick eagerly spreads his message: the most important goal is to find your life’s purpose and to never give up, despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in your way.
He tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured while learning to deal with them as a child, teen, and young adult. “For the longest, loneliest time, I wondered if there was anyone on earth like me, and whether there was any purpose to my life other than pain and humiliation.”
Nick shares how his faith in God has been his major source of strength, and he explains that once he found a sense of purpose—inspiring others to better their lives and the world around them--he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits. Let Nick inspire you to start living your own life without limits.
Nick offers practical advice for realizing a life of fulfillment and happiness by building trust in others, developing supportive relationships, and gaining strength for the journey. He encourages by showing how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could.
This book ,definitely, is a perfect motivator that will boost the self confidence in you.
"WHITE TIGER "- A Reflection ....
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Aravind Adiga |

Marvel - Mr. Marvel is the local tramp. He is harmless, eccentric, fat, but not nearly as stupid as Griffin thinks he is. He is smart enough to know when a good thing has happened to him; the stories he tells to the press bring him much attention and sympathy. In the end, he gets to keep all the money Griffin stole, and he contrives on his own to keep the books of Griffin’s experiments. He becomes the owner of an inn as well as the village bard, as it is to him that people come when they want to know the stories of the Invisible Man. In spite of his earlier torment, he is the only one who actually benefits from Griffin’s presence. |
Vishnu priya T S (5049) YOU ARE BORN TO BLOSSOM
He visualizes Information and Communication Technology mining the rural talent. Here, Kalam presents his dream of schools in India at 2020 as symbiotic nerve centres connecting teachers, students and community; personifying knowledge that exists in the world. He also makes a loud and clear call to accelerate the process of societal transformation. This would involve raising the standards of governance and safeguarding the sanctity of public institutions. The book uses the metaphor of a tree to describe the process of knowledge bearing fruits of prosperity in the contemporary globalised world where different phases, formative, adult working life, and post-50 experienced senior citizens, call for different kinds of learning. The book refers to a contextual contribution of a large number of Indian scientists and artists and proves that there is no age bar to blossom. He advocates creation of conditions that favour growth of diverse individual talents akin to a garden and calls for a scientific mind-set guided by conscience, consensus and by actions that take our social and moral values into account in building our own systems.
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success......APJ Abdul kalam”
Vishnupriya T S (5049)