India of my dream
India-my motherland, with its mighty Himalayas looks like a
golden bird flying high all above the sky with its cultures, traditions and
with many advanced developments in science and technology. I am very proud to
be an Indian. I love my country and I want it to be the best in the world. I
wish that my country should become a great nation with its talent and
have a sweet little dream for my motherland. People in India should be
self-sufficient in food for which we have to make the barren lands productive.
New varieties of seeds and modern tools should be used for agriculture which is
the backbone of Indian economy.
India of my dreams is a corruption-free nation. Beggary should be abolished;
government should be people-friendly and citizens should consider it to be
their duty to do something constructive for the nation.
and doctors should be respected, educational institutions should not be treated
as playground for dirty politics and corruption. National income should be
equally distributed among the people.
↠ Our
motherland should be a country where every common man gets to fulfill his basic
needs. They should be given jobs based on their aptitude and knowledge and not
on recommendations.
↠ I
want India to be at the apex in terms of science and technological progress. It
should be scientifically and technologically advanced. I would like to build an
India where blind faith should not rule over.
should always stand on top in every field. Every Indian should participate for
a pollution free India by planting trees.
and elders should be respected, environment and surroundings should be clean
and hygienic, it should be free from terrorism and should have love and respect
for every religion, cast and creed, should have good transport system and
roads, defence and security of the country would be of paramount importance,
people should have freedom of expression, farmers should be respected as
of my dreams should be rich with heritage and culture, should excel in fine
arts, handicrafts, sculpture, architecture, dance, drama, literature, poetry,
music, and her vast knowledge in vedas, puranas, etc and satisfy the human
quest for further knowledge and for the betterment, welfare and service of
↠ We
should mobilise our Indian youth to participate in development of our idol
India and carry out activists for the betterment. To make Indian a peaceful
place we should following the 10 commands made by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
should unite by the Shabad Kirtan from Gurudwaras, Azan from Mosques, Bhajans
from Temples and chiming of the bells from churches merge and mingle and
produce a harmonious, melodious, spiritual tune…loved by all.
dream, dream. Dream transforms into thoughts. Thoughts result into action. -
Jai Hind.
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