INDIA is a country where people of different cultures and religions live in harmony with one another. Although still in many parts of the country, discrimination is done on the basis of gender, caste, creed,religion and economic status.INDIA IN MY DREAMS will be such an India where there is no such discrimination. Casteism is another major issue that need to be worked upon. I DREAM OF INDIA as a fully developed country, by retaining its cultural heritage. I DREAM INDIA to be a country where every citizen will be educated.I want people in my country to understand the importance of education and ensure that their children get the right to get education instead of getting jobs at a young age. I want the government to provide equal employment opportunities for all so that youth can get qualified employment and youth can contribute to the development of the nation. I want India to be a country where women are respected, they are treated fairly and given equal opportunities in all areas.I DREAM OF INDIA that seems women as an asset not a liability. There is a lot of corruption in the country and its rate is only growing by the day. The common man is suffering at the hands of corrupt politicians who are only interested in fulfilling their own selfish motives. I DREAM OF INDIA that is free from corruption at all levels.
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