Monday, 5 March 2018

My Dream About India : Abhijith Chandran - 5053

My dream for India is to create an environment where every child, irrespective of his/her economic status -- rich or poor -- will have access to quality education. A charitable trust empowering those with permanent disabilities I am hoping that this year of the Nation's independence will also mean the independence of its people with disabilities. In India, everything has a value, even a piece of plastic thrown on the road will be picked up. But what about human life and dignity? For a large part, people with disabilities are completely ignored or rejected, living as dependents`, unable to be really active and lead meaningful lives.  Wheelchair accessibility, government support and medical insurance are issues that need to be addressed today. I really hope the country takes this new wave of change, from apathy and indifference, towards something that is more proactive, so we can make the world a little less difficult for people with physical challenges. Millions of people in our country are suffering from some form of disability. A wheelchair cannot solve all their problems. I urge the IT-Professionals and the best brains of the country to come together and demand the government to start a research center that will develop gadgets that are user-friendly and affordable also to the economically backward. We need to empower them and make them independent too. I would also like the youth to say no to corruption and find innovative ways to solve problems than run away to another country and give excuses.

Abhijith Chandran
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