Sunday, 18 February 2018


                                                               -Anju Shibi  
It’s been some 70 years since the eve of Indian independence. And its high-time to think whether our India is actually free, not from the British Raj but from the threads of poverty and injustice. It’s time to think whether we live in a country of our dreams. I frankly feel that this is not the India that we all have dreamt about.

The India of my dream should be free from corruption. Our nation should not become a playground for the unjust and disloyal. It should be free from the dirty tricks of the world leaders. People should be well aware of their rights and duties so that corruption can be avoided to a certain limit. Government should be people-friendly and people should consider it their duty to do something constructive for the nation.

It should be a nation where the women folks are able to roam around without worries during any hour of the day. The recent events have once again proved that India is not a women friendly nation to live on. This is an area which should get the immediate attention of the authorities.

Tough it is said that India is a developing nation I doubt that the development is just only for a few strata of the society. Because even now, many areas of our nation lack the basic amenities. Food, clothing, housing, education and health are the basic rights of every human-being. It should not be denied. My next dream is that of a poor free India where all men are able to achieve atleast their basic rights.

Then I dream about the industrial and technological growth of our country. India should be scientifically and technologically advanced. We should always stand on top in every field. Along with science and development we should protect the beauty and purity of our motherland. Its great heritage and culture should not be hindered.

But I think all these are just secondary. Because once the nation is safe and secure to live in, all those will follow. Hope all these won’t take much time to be reality. Let’s pray for the same.

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